
Bluegem has been tracking the ESG performance improvement of its portfolio companies from FY2015 onwards with a proprietary ESG rating produced in conjunction with advisers. The portfolio is regularly reviewed to ensure improvements are embedded and integral to each business making improvements for the long term.

Ratings Progression by ESG domain
(yearly averages over time, rebased to acquisition year)

Bluegem supports a number of sustainability initiatives:


Bluegem actively supports the UNSDGs and believes the biggest scope for the group to make an impact is within the following:

Quality Education
UN SGD Goal 4

Decent work and economic growth
UN SGD Goal 8

Responsible consumptions and production
UN SGD Goal 12

Peace, justice and strong institutions
UN SGD Goal 16

Climate change and Carbon neutrality

Bluegem supports the carbon neutral agenda and achieved climate neutral company status in 2021

Bluegem has achieved carbon neutral status for its scope 1, 2, 3 carbon emissions with the help of South Pole, the specialised Swiss consultancy

The carbon neutrality certification is the first step on a journey to full decarbonisation which comprises Bluegem’s investments in a forest conservation project and a clean energy project

Sustainable financing

Bluegem were among the first in the sector to utilise an ESG-linked loan promoting social and environmental good while delivering potential returns to investor. The ESG linked loans have a margin ratchet linked to the achievement of ESG objectives by our portfolio companies